Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Summer Meets Winter Video Part II

Red Button Creative came down to The Summer Meets Winter Rail Jam to film. 
This video showcases some of the best snowboarding and wakeboarding throughout the day.
Check it out!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wake World

Wakeworld.com is the best place to get updated information on everything wakeboarding.
Wether its contest results, photos or product reviews this website will keep you in the know.
This morning I just noticed that they put up a nice article about LEGIT
Check it out

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Parks Documentary

Well everone already know Parks is a freak of nature but just in case you forgot check out the latest teaser for his upcoming documentary.

They are just finishing up the video and it should be out early june.
It looks pretty insane.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Day in the Park

Usually in April Russell is rippin around the park at Tremblant
This year he is rippin around a park in the Glebe.
Check out his first attempt at a front board.
Pretty sick... and it only gets better...

Check out Russell's part in LEGIT - dropping June 12th

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No-handed Cartwheel

Well its April and although its getting warm, its still not warm enough to get out behind a boat. Today the crew decided to grab the winch for a day of riding.
We hit up this park just off Bank St (a very busy street in Ottawa)
Since it was flooded from all the snow and rain we decided to winch across it and see what we can jib.
We grabbed this culvert and placed it in the middle of the puddle so that we could slide it.
It was a super fun to slide... short... but fun..
After a few hits Andy decided to do a no-handed cartwheel off the end. (not on purpose)

This crash was so crazy it made me want to puke after watching it.
I also filmed it from another angle and it looks to be even crazier. Check it out in Legit. 
Like a trooper Andy bounced back and hit it a few more times.
Andy, I am glad your not dead.
All and all an amazing day.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Video Release Date Confirmed

I have finally confirmed the date of the video release party!
Friday June 12 at Babylon Night Club 317 Bank St Ottawa
The doors will be open at 10pm
Poster and info coming soon!

Winter meets Spring

The plan today was to film some scenic shots of Ottawa for "Legit" but once I got up this morning it realized it was snowing like crazy out.
Just went we though spring was here.
Looks like I am going snowboarding this weekend!